Space Programming

Space programming is one of the primary tasks that takes place during the schematic design stage of any healthcare project. Its role is to produce and configure a space layout which meets the requirements and specifications of the client. It is often an iterative process which defines the spaces and areas required by various departments within a healthcare facility to function properly.

An iterative process which zooms in….

Space programming starts with initially with broad considerations, and iteratively narrows down to very specific occupant needs. With most healthcare facilities comprised of multiple departments, the functional zoning exercises carried out initially during the concept design stages of the medical plan help to lay down the groundwork for the space program.

The detailed function of the department and its corresponding employees help to shape up the various rooms and spaces required for that department, as well as any support facilities which need to be thought of. 

With a detailed list of spaces and sizes available, these are matched up with the requirements of the medical plan and those of the client, before being passed on to the next stage of schematic design.